Virtual Courts and Dress Code of Advocates
In this pandemic situation, the justice delivery system has come to a halt. Only most important cases are being listed for the courts to hear through video conferencing. The wheels of justice should keep on moving and therefore the courts are having their proceedings through online modes. Access to justice can’t be stopped in any situation. A notification has been issued by the Supreme Court to have a leniency over the dress code.
The black and white dress code of the advocates is a sign of prestige and honour for them. The robe seems to be a symbol of protector and gatekeeper of law. Recently, an incident happened in which an advocate appeared before the judge in “baniyan” during online proceedings. Because of such instances and other medical and precautionary reasons, the Supreme Court issued a notice dated 13th May, 2020 which said that the advocates can wear “plain white-shirt/white-salwar-kameez/ white saree, with a plain-white neck band”. However, this is applicable only when the advocates will be appearing before the Supreme Court through video conferencing. The High Courts, district courts and taluka courts are not bound to follow this notification. The notifications has been issued by Sanjeev S Galkoankar, Secretary General of the Supreme Court of India.
The notice has been mentioned below for ease of reference.
“It is notified for the information of all concerned that considering the medical advice, as a precautionary measure to contain spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection under the prevailing conditions, the Competent Authority has been pleased to direct that the advocates may wear “plain white-shirt/white-salwar-kameez/ white saree, with a plain-white neck band” during the hearings before the Supreme Court of India through Virtual Court System till medical exigencies exist or until further orders.”
The order will remain in effect till any further notice.
Sudhanshu Sachan
Student Reporter