INBA General Counsel Summit 2020, Mumbai
The 3rd Annual INBA General Counsel Summit & Awards 2020 will strive to seek
answers to the most pertinent challenges faced by Indian General Counsel
communities today. The theme of this year’s conference is “Tackling The
This forum will provide a meeting place for related domain professionals (from
Manufacturing, BFSI, IT, Law, Pharma, Telecom, Government and other major
verticals) to gather under one roof for in-depth deliberations on a variety of topics
as also provide perfect avenues for networking and business matching amongst
industry peers and colleagues.
I n d i a n N a t i o n a l B a r A s s o c i a t i o n (www.indianbarassociation.org) is
focused on taking the Indian legal industry and its members to newer heights.
Representing the entire legal ecosystem in India, INBA is surging ahead to expand
its members’ professional network and help disseminate rich industry insights.
As a mark of respect and admiration for the challenging and yeoman services
rendered by GCs to corporate India, INBA takes pride in announcing the INBA 3rd
Annnual GC Recognition (Awards). This reputed awards ceremony will be held on
the side lines of the concurrent conference and will recognize the immense
professional contributions of general counsels across verticals and functions, and
who through their sheer hard work and perseverance have surmounted various
obstacles to efficiently drive their team towards greater success in this complex
legal world.
In other words, INBA will attempt to award those professionals who have shown
intense dedication to constantly innovate and who have consistently delivered
efficient services through better
technology and business ideas.
Winners will receive a plaque during the evening Awards Function.
General Counsel, In-House Counsel
Heads of Legal, Governance Heads
Lawyers Serving Law Firms, Individual Practitioners
Data Protection & Security Heads
Fraud, Forensics and Cyber Crime Analysts
Privacy Experts, IT and TMT Specialists
IP, Litigation, Conciliation, Mediation, Arbitration Experts
Law Academicians
Digital Heads including AI, Machine Learning Professionals
Marketing and Business Heads of Legal Products & Services Companies
For More Information, please visit – https://www.indianbarassociation.org/events/inba-gereral-counsel-summit-2020-mumbai/