INBA Presents A Webinar On Career Counselling For Law Students & Young Lawyers On May 30,2020
Indian National Bar Association is the country’s largest voluntary bar association. INBA is honoured to have more than 10,000 registered members, 25 different sections and 15 International chapters across the globe with more than 10 Indian Regional Forums. INBA is dedicated to expanding its member’s professional network and industry insight. When lawyers need to be heard, INBA is their voice.
With the on-going pandemic situation the law students and budding lawyers like everyone of us feel the pinch. Generally lawyers spend a lot of time planning complex matters or cases, but very few devote much time to intentionally plan their own careers.
Career Counselling Session
This session provides an insight on certain facts to be taken into consideration for the law students and budding lawyers who can, if they feel divert and start focusing on job opportunities in government sector.
Four Main Factors of Career Counselling
- Re-energizing your current practice area to cope with COVID-19
- Refocusing on a new practice area
- Switching to a new environment (shift focus from corporate to govt sector)
- Re-balancing your work, life and community obligations
Job Opportunities In Govt Sector
- Law Research
- Judicial Recruitment
- Public Prosecutors
- Legal Officers
- Internships with stipends at govt organization
Expert Counsellors

Former Secretary,
Ministry of Law & Justice, GOI

Information Commissioner
Date: May 30,2020
Time: 1500 hours- 1800 hours IST
Training Venue: Cisco Webex
Registration For Non-INBA Members
PhonePe@ 9555572999
For any further information, Contact
Babita Sharma
mz@indianbarassociation.org, 9811992072
Stay tuned@ www.indianbarassociation.org, www.inbaviewpoint.org